Policy and Cookie Privacy

Privacy disclaimer

The protection of your privacy is one of our main objectives.

Forever Fashion S.r.l. with registered office in Via Vittime del Fascimo, 10-12-14, Z.I. Terrafino – Empoli (FI), CAP 50053 (hereafter “Forever Fashion”) constantly strives to protect the online privacy of its users. This document will allow you to know our privacy policy to understand how your personal information is handled when using our services and to allow you, where appropriate, to give consent to the processing of your personal data expressed and aware in the sections of the site where it is requested to provide personal data. We remind you that in the various sections of the websites forever-fashion.it (hereinafter “Site”) where we collect your personal data, specific information is published pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereafter: “Regulation”) for its necessary inspection before the provision of the requested data. The information and data you provide or otherwise acquired as part of the registration to the various services of forever-fashion.it, (such as: “Services”), will be processed in compliance with the provisions of the Regulations and the obligations of confidentiality that inspire the activity of forever-fashion.it.
According to the rules of the Regulation, the processing carried out by Register.it will be based on the principles of lawfulness, correctness, transparency, purpose and retention limits, data minimization, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.
1. Data controller and Data Protection Officer
2. Personal data processed
to. Navigation data
b. Data processed in the context of interaction with social media
c. Data provided voluntarily by the interested party
d. Data for registration of domain names
is. Traffic data
f. Cookie
3. Purpose of the processing
4. Legal basis and mandatory or optional nature of the processing
5. Recipients of personal data
6. Transfers of personal data
7. Storage of personal data
8. Rights of the interested party
9. Changes


Owner and Data Protection Officer

The Owner of the processing carried out through the Website is forever-fashion.it as defined above. The owner’s structure has a data protection officer (DPO). The DPO is available for any information concerning the processing of Register.it’s personal data, including the list of data processors. You can contact the DPO by writing to: info @ forever-fashion.it.

2. Personal data processed

For processing personal data we mean any operation or set of operations, performed with or without the aid of automated processes and applied to personal data or sets of personal data, such as collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage , adaptation or modification, extraction,
consultation, use, communication by transmission, diffusion or any other form of making available, comparison or interconnection, limitation, cancellation or destruction.
We inform you that the personal data processed will be constituted – also depending on your decisions on how to use the Services – by an identifier such as the name, the email address, an identification number, location data, an online ID , the purchases made, and other data suitable to make it identifiable or identifiable, depending on the type of Services requested (hereinafter only “Personal Data”). in particular, the Personal Data processed through the Website are as follows:

a. Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the Site acquire, during their normal operation, some Personal Data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the Site, the addresses in the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (success, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and the user’s computer environment. These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site and the sites of our customers and to check its correct functioning, to identify anomalies and / or abuse, and are deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site or third parties: except for this possibility, the data on web contacts do not persist for more than fourteen days, unless requested by user (ex: access to the personal pages of the user within forever-fashion.it that summarize the services used, the information published, etc.).

b.Data processed in the context of interaction with social media

In addition to filling out the registration form, you can register for the Services, if you have a Facebook profile, even by simply clicking on the “Login with Facebook” button. In this case, Facebook will automatically send to us-fashion.it some of your Personal Data, specified in the “pop-up” window that is displayed at the time of the request, and there will be no need to fill out other forms on your part. If you are already a registered user of forever-fashion.it, and also has a Facebook profile, you can choose to associate your Register.it account with your Facebook account by clicking on “Login with Facebook” and then on “Associate account” : in this way, your forever-fashion.it identification code will be associated with your Facebook user code, and then you can click on “Login with Facebook” to authenticate directly to its control panel forever-fashion.it without enter the credentials.
With the same methods, forever-fashion.it gives her the opportunity to associate her forever-fashion.it account with her possible Google, Twitter and Linkedin accounts. Also in these cases the sites of the social networks involved will send some of your Personal Data to forever-fashion.it, specified in the “pop-up” window that is displayed at the time of the request.

c. Data provided voluntarily by the interested party

In the use of particular Services (for example the promotions forever-fashion.it that allow you to request the assignment of domain names in favor of third parties) may occur processing of personal data of third parties sent by you to the service manager . With respect to these assumptions, you are the independent data controller, assuming all the legal obligations and responsibilities. In this sense, you confer on the point the widest indemnity with respect to any dispute, claim, request for compensation for damage from treatment, etc. that it should reach forever-fashion.it from third parties whose Personal Data have been processed through its use of the Services in violation of the rules on the protection of personal data applicable. In any case, if you provide or otherwise treat Personal Data of third parties in the use of the Service, guarantee from now – assuming all related liability – that this particular hypothesis of treatment is based on a suitable legal basis (for example, the consent of the interested party) pursuant to art. 6 of the Regulation that legitimizes the processing of the information in question.


Domain name registration data

With regards to the processing of Personal Data carried out within the domain name service, it is specified that forever-fashion.it will put in place only the treatments strictly necessary to provide the service, unless further processing is carried out on the basis of a suitable legal basis pursuant to art. 6 of the Regulations (for example, your consent). The data collected by forever-fashion.it as part of the request for registration of domain names are only those strictly necessary for the provision of the service and are listed in the Service Order in section 4.3. The provision of such data is optional, however, in the absence of such contribution forever-fashion.it can not provide the requested service. It should be noted that the Personal Data of the holder of the domain name, for purposes strictly related to the provision of the service, may be disclosed to third parties. In particular, in order to manage domain names, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (hereafter: “Icann”), requires forever-fashion.it as a registrar, to deposit as collateral with an accredited Escrow Agent – copy of the data necessary for the management of a domain name under the authority of Icann itself. forever-fashion.it avails itself for this service of the company Iron Mountain Intellectual Property Management Inc., designated by ICANN. Furthermore, the data may be communicated to the national and foreign registration Authorities which forever-fashion.it is required to transmit the technical and administrative documentation required by the sector legislation as well as any other accredited subjects for the registration of domain names with reference to extensions for which forever-fashion.it is without accreditation. This sharing of data is necessary for its use of the service, therefore, according to the current privacy legislation, it is justified pursuant to art. 6 (1) (b) (c) of the Rules. It follows that you, at the time of signing the service, accept that some of your Personal Data will be communicated to the subjects listed above. If, however, in requesting the registration of domain names, it provides to forever-fashion.it Personal Data of other third parties involved in the treatment, it stands as autonomous data controller, assuming all the obligations and responsibilities of the law. In this sense, you confer on the point the widest indemnity with respect to any dispute, claim, request for compensation for damage from treatment, etc. that it should reach forever-fashion.it from third parties whose Personal Data have been processed through its use of the Services in violation of the rules on the protection of Personal Data applicable. In any case, if you provide or otherwise treat Personal Data of third parties in the use of the Service, guarantee from now – assuming all related liability – that this particular hypothesis of treatment is based on an appropriate legal basis in accordance with art. 6 of the Regulation that legitimizes the processing of the information in question. Furthermore, for the refinement of the service, the data will normally be published, and therefore disseminated, on the public WHOIS database that contains the Personal Data of the assignees of domain names. With reference to this treatment, we specify that ICANN acts as an independent holder and forever-fashion.it has no control over the treatments carried out by this subject. ICANN policies when requesting the assignment of domain names, you can alternatively choose the option, if available, “Private WHOIS”, but can not however prevent the domain name from being published on the WHOIS databases of the relevant Authorities . ICANN’s policies are under review and any development in this regard will be duly notified. Furthermore, the domain name could be published on the WHOIS databases of the relevant Authorities, which in turn are modifying their data publication policies. It should be noted that these subjects act as independent data controllers and that forever-fashion.it, which in order to provide the domain name service, must necessarily communicate the data of the registrants to these subjects (on pain of the impossibility to service), has no control over the use that these subjects make of the aforementioned data.
forever-fashion.it, to the extent of its own responsibility, in the domain name supply will not publish your personal data.


Traffic data

As part of the e-mail service, forever-fashion.it processes some data for the purpose of transmitting communications on the electronic communications network. These data are those listed in the Legislative Decree 30 May 2008, n. 109, and in particular they are:
– IP address used and e-mail address and possible further identification of the sender;
– IP address and fully qualified domain name of the email exchanger host, in the case of SMTP technology or any type of host related to a different technology used for the transmission of communication;
– e-mail address, and possible additional identification, of the recipient of the communication;
– IP address and fully qualified domain name of the email exchanger host (in the case of SMTP technology), or any type of host (relative to a different technology used), which provided the message;
– IP address used for receiving or consulting the e-mails by the recipient regardless of the technology or the protocol used;
– date and time (GMT) of the connection and disconnection of the user of the email service on the internet and the IP address used, regardless of the technology and the protocol used;
– the internet service used.
Are these data processed and stored by forever-fashion.it to provide the service and by law? in particular, for the purposes of ascertainment and prosecution of offenses – and with stringent security measures that make them accessible only to persons specifically authorized in writing, who access it only following a request from the judicial authority accompanied by a motivated decree of an audience ministry and in any case with particularly sophisticated authentication techniques provided for by the law. By law, the data are stored by forever-fashion.it for the purpose of ascertaining and repression of crimes for six years from their generation. The data are also processed by forever-fashion.it for ordinary business processing related to the provision of the service (eg for documentation purposes in case of disputing the invoice or claim payment, for fraud detection, to perform analysis on behalf of customers), by virtue of the provisions of the law. In this case, the data are stored, with stringent security measures applied according to law, for six months from their generation, and subsequently deleted.
Definitions, characteristics and application of the legislation.

Cookies are small text files that the sites visited by the user send and record on his computer or mobile device, to be then re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit. Thanks to cookies, a site remembers the user’s actions and preferences (such as login data, the chosen language, font size, other display settings, etc.) so that they do not have to be re-indicated when the user returns to visit said site or browse from one page to another. Cookies, therefore, are used to perform computer authentication, monitoring sessions and storing information regarding the activities of users accessing a site and may also contain a unique identification code that allows you to track the user’s navigation inside of the site itself for statistical or advertising purposes. During navigation on a site, the user can also receive on his computer or mobile device website or web server cookies other than the one he / she is visiting (c.d. “third party” cookies). Some operations could not be performed without the use of cookies, which in some cases are therefore technically necessary for the same functioning of the site.
There are various types of cookies, depending on their characteristics and functions, and these can remain in the user’s computer or mobile device for different periods of time: c.d. session cookies, which are automatically deleted when the browser is closed; CD. persistent cookies, which remain on the user’s equipment until a pre-established expiry date.
According to the legislation in force in Italy, the user’s express consent is not always required for the use of cookies. In particular, “technical cookies”, ie those used for the sole purpose of transmitting a communication over an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary to provide a service explicitly requested by the user, do not require such consent. In other words, these are cookies that are essential for the operation of the site or necessary to perform activities requested by the user.

Among technical cookies, which do not require an express consent for their use, the Italian Data Protection Authority (see Determination of the simplified procedures for information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies ‘May 8, 2014, hereinafter only “Ruling”) also includes:
· “Cookie analytics” when used directly by the site operator to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site itself,
· Browsing or session cookies (to authenticate),
· Functionality cookies, which allow the user to navigate according to a series of selected criteria (for example, the language, the products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service provided.
For “profiling cookies”, vice versa, ie those aimed at creating profiles related to the user and used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the same in the context of surfing the net, a prior consent of the user is required. ‘user.
For “profiling cookies”, vice versa, ie those aimed at creating profiles related to the user and used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the same in the context of surfing the net, a prior consent of the user is required. ‘user.

Types of cookies used by the Site and the possibility of (de-) selection (Cookies – or links to information of third parties that send cookies – followed by an asterisk are related to the site www.simply.com).

The Website uses the following cookies that can be de-selected, except for third-party cookies for which you must refer directly to the relative methods of selection and de-selection of the respective cookies, indicated by means of links:
· Technical cookies – navigation or session and strictly necessary for the functioning of the Site or to allow the user to take advantage of the contents and services requested by them.
· Analytics cookies, which allow us to understand how the site is used by users. With these cookies we do not collect information about the user’s identity or any personal data. The information is treated in aggregate and anonymous form.
· Functionality cookies, that is used to activate specific functions of the Site and a series of selected criteria (for example, the language, the products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service rendered.
· Profiling cookies used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user in the context of surfing the net.
ATTENTION: by disabling technical and / or functional cookies, the Site may not be available or certain services or certain functions of the Site may be unavailable or may not work properly and you may be forced to change or manually enter certain information or preferences each time you will visit the site.
· Third-party cookies, ie cookies of sites or web servers other than that of forever-fashion.it, used for the purposes of these third parties, including profiling cookies. Please note that these third parties, listed below with the related links to privacy policies, are independent data controllers collected through the cookies they serve; therefore, you must refer to their policies regarding the processing of personal data, information and consent forms (selection and de-selection of the respective cookies), as specified in the aforementioned Order. For the sake of completeness, please note that forever-fashion.it does its utmost to track cookies on its website. These are updated regularly in the table below, where we give transparency on cookies sent directly from forever-fashion.it and on their purposes. Regarding the third parties that send cookies through our site, we provide below the links to their respective privacy policies: to these third parties we demand, as already specified, the responsibility to provide the information and collect the consent of users, as expected from the Measure. This responsibility is to be referred not only to cookies that third parties send directly, but also to any additional cookies that are sent via our site by virtue of the use of services that the third parties themselves enjoy. In fact, compared to these cookies, sent from service providers of the aforementioned third parties, forever-fashion.it does not have the possibility to exercise any control and does not know its features or purposes.
Below are links to information on third-party cookies:

· Google*
· Facebook
Cookie settings

Following is possible for you to make a choice with reference to the reception of profiling cookies. Failure to authorize the specified cookies (profiling) will not affect the operation of the Site. You can block or delete (in whole or in part) technical and functional cookies through the specific functions of your browser. We inform you however that not allowing technical cookies could make it impossible to use the site, view the contents and take advantage of the related services. Inhibiting cookies of functionality could mean that some services or certain functions of the Site are not available or do not work properly and you may be forced to change or manually enter certain information or preferences each time you visit the Site.
The choices made in reference to cookies on the Site will be in turn registered in a special cookie. This cookie may, however, in some circumstances not work properly: in such cases, we recommend that you delete unwanted cookies and inhibit their use through the functionality of your browsers.
Your preferences regarding cookies will be reset if you use different devices or browsers to access the site.

Profiling cookies

They are sent in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user in the context of surfing the net.
How to view and modify cookies through your browser (browser)

You can select which proprietary cookies to authorize through the appropriate procedure set on this page, as well as authorize, block or delete (in whole or in part) cookies through the specific functions of your browser (browser).
For more information on how to set preferences on the use of cookies through your browser, you can consult the instructions:
· Internet Explorer
· Firefox
· Chrome
· Safari

3. Purpose of the processing

The treatment we intend to carry out, with its specific consent where necessary, has the following purposes:
to. Allow the provision of the Services requested by you and the subsequent and independent management of its control panel, which will be accessed by registering and creating your user profile at the time of supply of the Services, including collection, storage and processing data for the purposes of the establishment and subsequent operational, technical and administrative management of the relationship related to the provision of the Services and the making of communications relating to the implementation of the relationship established;
b. allow browsing and consultation of the Register.it websites;
c. respond to requests for assistance or information, which we will receive via e-mail, telephone or chat through the “Contact Us” page of our Website, or through the appropriate “Privacy Reporting” form reachable from the “Contact Us” page. reference to the replies to requests for assistance received by Register.it through the telephone, we inform you that the calls can be registered so that Register.it can show that it has correctly processed the requests.
d. fulfill legal, accounting and tax obligations;
is. carry out direct marketing via e-mail for services similar to those signed by you, unless you have objected to this treatment initially or in the event of subsequent communications, for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of forever-fashion.it to promote products or services that you may reasonably be interested in;
f. to elaborate studies, researches, market statistics; send advertising material, information, commercial information or surveys to improve the service (“customer satisfaction”) via e-mail or text message, and / or through the use of the telephone with operator and / or through the official forever-fashion pages .it on social networks;
g. only with reference to certain services, the data may be processed for purposes of communication to third parties for their marketing purposes of third parties, ie to provide information and / or make offers on products, services or initiatives offered or promoted by others companies belonging to the Dada Group and / or its subsidiaries and / or subsidiaries, and / or other commercial partners and outsourcers acting as independent data controllers;
h. make personalized business proposals based on the products or services you have purchased, or about which you are interested in browsing our Website, or on the basis of the group of customers you belong to (profiling). This means, for example, that you are a retailer will receive commercial offers for retailers; if you have surfed our site to search for information on certain services, you will receive offers related to these services; finally, if you are using a service, based on your use of the service you will receive targeted communications from forever-fashion.it (for example, if the service’s capacity is reaching the limit, it will be notified and invited to increase the capacity of the service itself, or will be offered complementary services and / or compatible with the one you purchased). This type of analysis is typically carried out on purchase data relating to both individuals and legal entities and the related decisions are not based on a solely automated treatment. This treatment is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the data controller to customize their business proposals. You can always oppose this treatment using the “Privacy Reporting” form;
the. for exclusive purposes of security and prevention of fraudulent conduct, the Controller establishes an automatic control system that involves the detection and analysis of user behavior on the site associated with the processing of Personal Data including the IP address. The consequences of this treatment are that if a person attempts to carry out fraudulent conduct on the site of forever-fashion.it, for example to benefit several times of the same promotion without having the right, forever-fashion.it reserves the right to exclude such subject from the promotion or to take any other appropriate measures for their protection.

4. Legal basis and mandatory or optional nature of the processing

The legal basis of the processing of Personal Data for the purposes set out in Section 3 (a-b-c) is art. 6 (1) (b) of the Regulation as the processing is necessary for the provision of the contracted services. The provision of Personal Data for these purposes is optional but failure to provide it would make it impossible to activate the required Services.
The purpose of section 3 (d) represents a legitimate processing of Personal Data pursuant to art. 6 (1)

5. Recipients of personal data

Your Personal Data may be shared, for the purposes referred to in Section 3 above, with:
to. subjects that typically act as data controllers, that is: i) people, companies or professional firms that provide assistance and advice to forever-fashion.it in accounting, administrative, legal, tax, financial and debt collection related to the provision of the Services; ii) subjects with whom it is necessary to interact for the provision of the Services (for example the national and foreign registration Authorities to transmit the technical and administrative documentation and the Maintainer forms, the authorities that manage the WHOIS database that contains the personal data of the assignees of domain names, the subjects providing the payment service by credit card, (Mercury Payments and Banca Sella), etc. iii) or subjects delegated to carry out technical maintenance activities (including maintenance of network equipment and electronic communications networks); iv) companies of the Dada Group, Italian or foreign, for administrative or statistical purposes (collectively “Recipients”);
b. subjects, bodies or authorities to whom it is compulsory to communicate your personal data in accordance with the law or the orders of the authorities (for example, in the course of criminal investigations forever-fashion.it can receive requests from the judicial authority to provide log of electronic traffic);
c. persons authorized by forever-fashion.it to process Personal Data necessary to carry out activities strictly related to the provision of the Services, which are committed to confidentiality or have an appropriate legal obligation of confidentiality, such as the employees of forever-fashion.it;
d. business partners for their own purposes, autonomous and distinct, only if you have given a specific consent.
The complete list of data controllers is available by sending a written request from here.

6. Transfers of personal data

Some of his Personal Data are shared with Recipients that could be found outside the European Economic Area. forever-fashion.it ensures that the processing of their Personal Data by these Recipients takes place in compliance with the Rules. Indeed, transfers can be based on an adequacy decision or on the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission. Further information is available from the owner. Within the domain name registration services, the data are communicated to the subjects listed in section 2 (e) of this policy: in some cases such processing involves the transfer of the data in question outside the European Economic Area. Given that this transfer is necessary for its use of the service, according to the current privacy legislation, it is justified pursuant to art. 49 (1) (b) of the Rules.

7. Data retention

Personal Data processed for the purposes set out in section 3 (a-b-c) will be kept for the time strictly necessary to achieve those same purposes. In any case, since these are treatments carried out for the provision of Services, forever-fashion.it will process the Personal Data up to the time allowed by Italian law to protect its own interests (Art. 2946 c.c. and ss.).
Personal Data processed for the purposes set out in Section 3 (d) will be kept until the time provided for by the specific obligation or applicable law. By way of example, as already specified, traffic data will be kept for justice purposes for six years from their generation; otherwise, they will be kept for six months.
For the purposes referred to in section 3 (e) (f), your Personal Data will be processed until the revocation of your consent or until three years after you have ceased to be a customer of forever-fashion.it, or you is simply registered on the Website, and has not made any purchase of products or services. In any case, the possibility for forever-fashion.it to preserve your Personal Data is kept until the time allowed by Italian law to protect your interests (Art. 2947 (1) (3) c.c.). Further information about the data retention period and the criteria used to determine this period can be requested by writing to the Data Controller or the DPO.

8. Rights of the interested parties

You have the right to ask forever-fashion.it, at any time, to access your Personal Data, to correct or cancel them or to oppose their processing in the cases provided for in Article 20 of the Rules of Procedure. to request the limitation of treatment in the cases provided for by art. 18 of the Regulations, as well as obtaining in a structured format, in common use and readable by automatic device, the data concerning it (portability), in the cases provided for by art. 20 of the Rules.
Requests should be sent in writing from here.
It should be noted that, in the presence of requests from interested parties regarding the reporting of abuse in the use of services or spamming activities – activities already prohibited by contract as specified in par. 8 of the General Terms of Service – made by a customer of forever-fashion.it (it is specified that this customer typically acts as data controller pursuant to the Regulation), as well as in the presence of any further request for the exercise of rights pursuant to art. and ss. of the Rules, forever-fashion.it, without entering into the merits of the request, on the one hand will promptly inform the client / owner, and on the other hand will provide the interested parties with the details of the client / owner.
In any case, you are always entitled to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data), pursuant to art. 77 of the Regulations, if it considers that the processing of your data is contrary to the law in force.

9. Changes

This privacy policy has been in force since 9 May 2018. forever-fashion.it reserves the right to modify or simply update its content, in part or completely, also due to changes in the applicable legislation. If the modifications to the present Policy regard substantial changes in the treatments or may have a significant impact on the interested parties, forever-fashion.it will take care to notify them appropriately to the interested parties.

Consent to use of the data provided with the contact forms

Information Article 13 D.Lgs.196 / 2003 Dear User, we wish to inform you that Legislative Decree 196/2003 provides for the protection of persons and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data. According to the regulations, this treatment will be carried out respecting the fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as the dignity of the interested party, with particular reference to privacy, personal identity and the right to protection of personal data. Pursuant to Article 13 of the aforementioned legislation, we therefore provide you with the following information. The treatment we intend to carry out:
· Has the purpose of managing the registration of the information service of Conceria Miura S.r.l. and any commercial communications;
· Will be carried out in the following ways: computerized and manual;
· The data will not be communicated to other subjects external to the data controller, if not expressly asking for their consent;
· The given email address will be used as a means of sending promotional material and invitations to organized events Conceria Miura S.r.l.
We inform you that the provision of data is mandatory to ensure registration with the service. The partial conferment or denial of the consent to the treatment could imply the impossibility to supply the requested service. The holder of the treatment is: Conceria Miura S.r.l. The person in charge of data processing is Forever Fashion S.r.l.- location: Via Vittime del Fascismo, 10-12-14 – 50053 Z.I. Terrafino – Empoli – Florence. You can contact the data controller to assert your rights as provided for in Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, by sending an email to info@forever-fashion.it Consent of the party to the processing of their personal data and sensitive. The undersigned concerned, by sending the form data, certifies his / her free consent so that the holder, proceeds to the processing of their personal data as resulting from this information sheet.